Choose from our wide range of aquaculture products, diary and Veterinary supplies.
Calcium Peroxide, Sodium Perborate, Coated Sodium Per carbonate, Potassium Mono Persulfate, triple salt, EDTA, Titanium Dioxide and other suitable stabilisers
Features & Benefits
● It provides a constant supply of both calcium and oxygen
as Calcium peroxide breaks down more rapidly with
increased temperatures and decreased pH, making it an
ideal product
● Eliminates carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide
● Improves the sub aqueous pH value and prevent water
from acidification
● Prevents anaerobes from proliferation and killing
nosogenic bacteria, defecating aqueous body
● Conditions the quality of the water and makes it
suitable for inhabitant
● Reduces the sub aqueous content of ammonium
and nitrogen
● Prevents sludge formation at the pond bottom
● Reduces the population of harmful bacteria
like vibrio
● Reduces the adverse effects of bacterial toxins
on the culture
Effective in broad spectrum
● In a temp. range of 10°C -50°C
● In both brackish and fresh waters
● In hard and soft waters
● In a pH range of 9.5-5
● In cloudy weather and rainy season
Dosage & Application
Pond Application:
Preventive: 250 g/acre initially and later 20 g/acre every alternate day
Curative: 500 g/acre for three days
Direction for Usage: broadcast evenly throughout the pond
Storage and Handling: Optimum temperature for storage should be 350 C or below. Avoid direct sunlight.
Shelf Life: Best within 2 years of manufacturing date.